Chiropractor & NSA
Dr. Jason Barritt
Dr. Jason Barritt (chiropractor), completed 2 years of undergraduate studies in science at Macquarie University and then 4 years at the University of New South Wales and is published in one of the world’s most prestigious neurological journals for his research on neuroplasticity. His honours thesis was titled “Plasticity in the Trigeminal System”. The Trigeminal nerve is a nerve in the face. Using electron microscopy, he discovered a nerve which helped solve a puzzle that scientists had pondered for years. He was awarded a university prize for “Outstanding Merit in Anatomy” and graduated with first class honours. He then completed his 4 year Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic – West in California (PCCW).
While engaged in neuroplastic research, Jason tutored science students in anatomy at UNSW School of Medicine (now called "UNSW Medicine"). Later, while studying at PCCW in California, he taught visceral anatomy, musculoskeletal anatomy, spinal anatomy and surface anatomy.
He was the founder and President of a diagnostic company in Colorado called "Injury Documentation Consultants" (IDC) that analysed radiographs of patients who had spinal injury. These were patients referred to IDC by other chiropractors. He learned a great deal by discussing many of these cases in detail with an orthopaedic surgeon before finalising the reports. Jason also played an offical chiropractic role as an "Independent Medical Evaluator" for the the Colorado State car accident insurance program.
Jason is now a Canberra chiropractor. However, he first practised chiropractic in Penrose Colorado for 11 years until returning to Australia in 2008 to establish a practice in Braddon. In January 2017 he moved his practice to the Lyneham shops primarily to make it easier for his patients to park!
Jason has participated in hundreds of hours of postgraduate training in effective healing methods that has enabled him to help hundreds of patients improve and in some cases resolve a wide range of health issues. Jason has studied Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Activator Method, Gonstead, Diversified Adjusting, Advanced Biostructural Correction™ (ABC) and Network Spinal Analysis (NSA care). The word "network" in NSA was used because this chiropractic method incorporates several other chiropractic methods. However, the "A" in NSA stands for "analysis". NSA has incorporated some very new principles that enable it to create, what Irvine College of Medicine scientists called, a strategy of self-correction. This involves teaching the nervous system to develop involuntary corrective movements that those same scientists said had never been documented anywhere else in the scientific literature. Further research has demonstrated that NSA care is a form of neuroplastic treatment.
Jason enjoys helping people with a wide range of mild to severe conditions, as well as acute and chronic conditions. He feels his primary area of interest and greatest experience, is "Assisting people with long term stubborn chronic pain in multiple locations of the body, from injury or unknown causes." He has used the gentle touch NSA care approach with people from all walks of life; from the very young to his most senior patient at 101.
To learn more about Jason’s strongly neuroplastic approach to chronic pain, a range of other conditions, as well as enhanced wellbeing, please visit https://bodymindec.com.au/chiro/neuroplastic-treatment